Friday, October 28, 2011

I can talk Momma

Lilly has become quite the chatter box in the last couple months. She's figured out how to call me from another room. Sometimes I love the "Momma, Momma do'in?" Other times I want to press the mute button. She opens doors quite adeptly now, gone are the days of things being safe as long as the door was closed. She's starting to pretend play, sometimes mixing up food for Owen. Other times sitting on the couch reading to her baby. She's a lot like her dad in some ways, everything has to be "just so" with her. Before bed, we must have her beloved baby on her pillow, with a blanket before we can start reading. I try to remind myself that it's sweet.
She tries to be nice to her brother but she has yet to grasp the concept of the word "gentle." More often than not I look over to see her with her arms around his neck in what appears to be some sort of wrestling move but in actuality is a hug.

She has lots and lots of words, and is starting to put together sentences. My current favorite word of hers is "dupe," with the U having a real U sound so it comes out more like duuuupe. That is how she pronounces soup and soap. Makes me smile every time.

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