Sunday, April 18, 2010

My favorite photography subject...

I was unloading and putting away groceries, Lilly decided to pull things out of the bags that were on the floor. She loves to lay like this on her side, grab a toy and waive it around. 

She still does not crawl, though she is mobile enough to get anywhere she wants. She has started coming after me the past couple days if I leave the room and if she wants up she scoots/pulls herself over to me pulls on my pant legs and fusses. (don't you just love the fat rolls on her legs?)

She is doing much better sitting. She has started to push herself from her side to almost sitting. Soon I think! (at 8 months it's about time) She'll sit for several minutes if you set her up and is smart enough to hold her head up when she starts to topple. 


  1. I once read that an athlete copied every movement for an hour of a baby about Lilly's age and was totally exhausted!
    She looks like she is getting a workout! Before you know it she will be running after you...or you after her!
