Thursday, May 27, 2010

Yard work

I have been pretty busy the past week. Mike brought over dirt from our mountain in the back to fill up the space beside the house so I'd have someplace to plant things. I went to the greenhouse and bought lots of things and hardened them off and got them in the ground and into pots. Started seeds, that are now growing rapidly. Mike stained the front porch. It's really starting to look like we live here. I love driving by the house on the way home and looking at it, it's so... me, I think. 

The excavating company should be here in the next couple weeks to spread out our dirt, then we will have the task of raking, moving rocks, and planting grass. Maybe by the end of the summer we will have a decent yard.

The weather here is beautiful. Looks as though it's going to be another cloudless sunny day, high around 70. Perfect temp if you ask me. I think I'm going to be very happy here over the next few years!

For those of you interested in what I have planted, here ya go. I'm hoping to maybe plant some peppers and lettuce-y type things too, in pots. Though, maybe I'll hold off on that for next year.

Happy Looking!

Lilly got to ride in the wheel barrow until she tried to climb out the front. 

Hamilton in the midst of all my stuff.
All the dirt is in, notice the unstained deck. 
Stained deck and planted flowers and pots.
Along side the house here I have mammoth sunflowers that are just starting to show their little heads. I also have a purple colombine, and a hosta. As well as, morning glories, strawberries, white and pink petunias, and zinnias, and mint.
In smaller pots, I have chives and stock, dahlias, marigolds, snap peas and tomatoes, more sunflowers, alyssum, and some vinca vine too. 

Enough to keep me busy, I'll take pictures when things start getting bigger
These are my peas and this photo is for Audrey. She sent them to me back in the cold dreary months of winter and I planted them about a week ago. (I let Caswell plant one in his own pot, and he was VERY excited when he came on Tuesday and it was growing.)

More sunflowers to go...

Along this side of the house, so you see them when you drive by. 
Another view of the front of the house, I can't decide what I'm going to do with my windows, for now the keep getting moved around the house. Notice AbbyCat in the garage window? She was eating flies. 


  1. Oh what fun!! I'm glad you are enjoying it. It will be so pretty when everything starts blooming and you have grass in. good job taking some before pictures. I always forget, then wish I had ...

  2. It's great when things start coming along. I think it's going to be amazing once you have blooming things all around and the yard is grassy green. I know I've said it before but I'll say it again, I'm so jealous of you and your great house! Some day I'll get there too! lol Happy planting/growing!

  3. I can remember our very first house (1977) that looked so similar to yours in Alaska. It was quite an experience to choose to plant whatever I wanted. You are smart to start with the pretty things first, they bring more joy and sense of accomplishment than grass. When it is all done it will be wonderful. Enjoy creating with your "green thumb" which I know runs in the women in your family!
