Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lady Abigail

Yesterday we got a cat. I found an add for her on craigslist, she was listed through a rescue. Her add read something like "Abby the cat who loves dogs." So yesterday afternoon we went to check her out. She's about a year old and already named. I have decided that such a pretty cat should have a more sophisticated name, I call her Lady Abigail or Lady. Mike brought her home and I went to the store. He said she had no problems with Hamilton and he was right, they still haven't had any problems. She has swatted him a couple times but I don't have a problem with that.  Lilly is absolutely enchanted with her. Squeals and giggles and squawks as soon as she spots Lady. I love it. She slept with us last night and is napping on the couch after giving herself a bath. I think she's pretty comfortable here.

1 comment:

  1. I can see how beautiful Lady Abigail is! How wonderful for Lilly to grow up around animals! You and Mike are filling up your lives and house nicely!
