Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lilly gets a highchair

So at 6 1/2 months old I decided it's probably ok to feed Lilly some solid food. She's not too interested, a couple bites and she's done. She'll start to like it eventually I'm sure, I'm not too pushy about it. I'm pretty sure she still gets all she needs from me.
I could not find what I wanted while looking for chairs. My mom and sister both have really cool highchairs in their homes. Lydia's is old and metal and is exactly what I wanted. My mom's is from when we were kids and is wooden. Well I couldn't find an antique one unless I wanted to spend a fortune. So I went with modern. Probably better that way as I the more things I buy at this stage in my life that I don't want to part with, the more things I have to cart around the country for the next 15 years...

1 comment:

  1. She's as cute as a button. I like your chair - for a modern chair :-). I'm glad the shoes work for her. I think it was summer when they fit Isabele and I just didn't care or need them on her enough to make her wear them. The teal and brown are such great girl colors - and a boy will just have to deal with them - good thing they don't care until they are too big for baby things.
